Meet Dr. Goodman


Dr. Goodman is happy. In private practice in Silver Spring, Maryland, since 1991, Harold Goodman is the most experienced osteopathic physician in the DC-Maryland-Virginia metro area.

Dr. Goodman is happy.

I began my  journey  as a physician in 1981 when I entered the Kirksville College of Osteopathic Medicine. While there I did a two year Fellowship in Osteopathic principles and practice which included teaching medical students and working in a specialty clinic. After my graduation in 1987, I spent a year doing a rotating internship at the South Bend Osteopathic Hospital, South Bend, IN. where I delivered babies, practiced internal medicine, and assisted in surgery. The next three years of post-graduate training were at the National Rehabilitation Hospital, Washington, DC where I received more training in medicine, neurology and musculoskeletal medicine. Following this residency, I went into full-time private practice in 1991.

Over the years I have been invited to many courses to teach osteopathy to physicians (DO/MD and medical students) throughout the US. For example, each year I regularly do this each spring in Massachusetts. For two decades I have been a member of a group of New England physicians who are being trained as teachers for others physicians and medical students. We present the above course.

I was deeply honored in 2007 to receive the Annual William Garner Sutherland Award from the Osteopathic Cranial Academy. This honor is presented annually to one physician in the profession who has been selected by his peers to honor his contributions to osteopathy.  I never saw it coming and still am amazed they chose me. My mother told me it might have been a mistake but it wasn’t. I have the plaque to prove it.

When the NIH Alternative Medicine Division edited a book on Complementary Medicine, I was requested to write the chapter on osteopathy which I did. I have authored several other works in related fields.

In June 2023, I was awarded Fellow of Cranial Academy (FCA), the highest peer recommendation for the Osteopathic Cranial Academy.

I am currently licensed in Maryland as a physician and surgeon.